Jacksonville Beach - We had some of the neighborhood kids join us, on the beach this AM. We got to the beach around 7:30am. Conditions were similar to the day before, when Wes and I caught over 30 fish. Two of the older boys, around 11yrs old, were big enough to handle the rods themselves, so we got them rigged up and in the water. Within 30 minutes both boys had landed bluefish, both around 18 inches long. The boys were very excited, and went on to catch several more bluefish. I didn't see any mullet in the surf, but I threw the net a few times anyway. I didn't net a single mullet, so we used some of our freezer stock. we used up about 2 quart bags of frozen finger mullet in about 2 hours, and took home 10 fish. The boys had a great time and we got some good pictures of them hauling in some good size blues.