Wes and I got to the beach at about 6:45, just after sunrise.  There were very large schools of mullet running in the surf about 50 yards out.  It almost looked like the water was boiling with so many mullet.  Huge splashes and swirls in the schools showed that some larger fish were feeding on them.  The mullet were a little to far out to reach with the cast nest, so we started off fishing with some from the freezer.  I caught a couple of small Atlantic Sharpnose sharks in the first few minutes.  It was a little slow for a bit, then Wes hooked a good size Bonnet Head Shark, which gave him a nice fight.  It was a full grown adult a bit over 3 ft long.  Since we planned to eat the shark.  I cut it behind the head and at the tail, to kill it and bleed it.  I always bleed them as soon as possible, which helps get rid of some of the amonia smell and taste in the meat.  After that we caught eight bluefish.  It was a beautiful day and we had a blast.  It\'s cooling off a bit now, so it\'s a little more enjoyable even in the middle of the day